Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Lunatic Fringe is now "Center"

I watched "Hardball" tonight.
I really like Chris Matthews format as he allows his guests to reveal the best or Worst of their politics. Pat Buchanan was part of the discussion this evening and yes he has jumped on the republican bandwagon about president Obama's lack of proof of citizenship. He also talked about not being able to find records of President Obamas schooling.

Then there's Donald Trump.
He talks about president Obamas missing documentation. Trump is declared himself a birther and is playing to the the Tea Party hoping for some press. Could this be hype for his television show?

Personally I think the republican party is really scared!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Donald Trump

I watched Meredith Vieira's interview with Donald Trump today.
When Meredith asked about his possible candidacy Trump rambled about being serious. "This is very serious time. I mean I always take things serious but I've never taken things serious like this. This is a very serious time in my life. I hate what is happening to the country. I wish I didn't have to do it......blah blah blah.......

Trump is sticking to his birther claims that President Obama is not a citizen of the US. He has no proof but has says "I have people looking into it for me". Here's another quote "I'm only interested in Libya if we get the oil". Hey, that's Donalds diplomacy style. Yeah, I want him dealing with leaders of foreign countries.

This guy is a joke. Yes a very rich joke but not even close to being a qualified candidate.

But wait a minute. According to the polls he's the number two republican candidate for president and he's number one with the Tea Party.

This is a very scary time for this country. I would almost welcome back Sarah Palin!