Tuesday, June 14, 2011

more weeners and Olbermans back!

GOFFSTOWN, N.H - June 13, 2011
The 7 Republicans interested in running for the party in the next presidential race squared off last night in New Hampshire. It was a two-hour affair where the participants primarily focused on attacking the policies of the incumbant president.
My problem with this is that not one of the participants was able to offer up a fresh solution to the issues that we face on the economy.
I don't care about boxers vs. briefs and I don't care about gay rights. I'm not gay and I don't believe that sexuality should be a political issue.
Talk to your Pastor or Rabbi about that stuff!
I want to know if I can retire and enjoy life. Can I afford to put 30 gallons of gas in my boat so I can take my family on a cruise on the ICW. I have worked hard all my life and I should be able to afford my retirement.