Monday, July 4, 2011

Congress is running our country into a ditch!

Government Too much or too little?
I can remember a time when our elected officials would use debate as tool to find common ground and ultimately agree on matters before them. The end game of that process was to continually improve the lives of constituents. The take away for this political would be re-election.
Something has changed. Congress is no longer able to find enough common ground to keep the process moving forward, even when the stakes for the constituents are higher than ever. Our elected officials were sent to Washington by the voters to do a job for the American public yet all they seem to do is bicker about principles and ideas that have no direct bearing on the looming crisis before us.
Is the Congress willing to continue on a course that will undoubtedly lead to default?

On June 30th the State of Minnesota had to begin shutting down state services as legislature couldn not agree on a budget. All but the most critical Minnesota services will shut down for the first time since 2005, including state parks for the July 4 weekend.

Is this where Congress is taking our nation?

I remember what my father-in-law always said at election time. We should vote out every incumbant and vote in the newcomers. Don't let anyone get too comfortable in their position.
We need to let the politicians know that they are not getting the job done for the people.

Vote them ALL out in the next election and ekect someone who cares.

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